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Get It.

As Indiana small business owners, we understand. We know the sleepless nights, the uncertainty, and stress of the past few months. We also recognize that the creativity, grit and passion that got us all started is certainly what will fuel our next chapters. At PLAID, our unyielding reason for being is marketing—translating brands and a relentless energy to our customers’ stories.


With this in mind, we are launching the Simply by PLAID line. We certainly appreciate the need to communicate and reach your audience is more acute than ever—and yet decreasing revenue and cost can feel in direct conflict.

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Our Reason for Being

Tapping into what we know…what we do…to provide support—creating effective and powerful marketing packages that fit within your current need. Meeting you where you are—right there at the sweet spot of affordability and impact.


The signature PLAID bold yet unapologetically classic style—simplified. Agency aptitude. Accessible approach.

Our Founders

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Samantha Schwartz


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Kylan Stuck


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